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电 话0351-2051200




2022.07至今 开元ky7818老版本

2017.09-2022.01 中国科学院大学,地图学与地理信息系统,博士,导师:王建研究员

2014.09-2017.06 西北师范大学,地图学与地理信息系统,硕士,导师:潘竟虎教授

2010.09-2014.06 忻州师范学院,地理科学,学士


1. 2016年甘肃省遥感学会一等奖

2. 2016年西北研究生学术论坛三等奖


1. Weiguo Wang*, Hongyi Li, Zeming Xie, Xiaohua Hao, Jian Wang. The Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal play a key role in extreme precipitation during the snow season over the Tibetan Plateau. International Journal of Climatology, 2024, 44(6): 1898-1913. (SCI三区)

2. 张慧琳, 王卫国*, 王建, . 基于遥感与GIS技术的山西省生态脆弱性演变分析. 遥感技术与应用, 2024, 39(2): 478-491. (CSCD)

3. Ling Zhang*, Weiguo Wang, Yingyi Hu, Hui Ma, Yanbo Zhao. CCropLand30: High-resolution hybrid cropland maps of China created through the synergy of state-of-the-art remote sensing products and the latest national land survey [J]. Computersand electronicsin agriculture, 2024, 218, 108672. (SCI一区)

4. Weiguo Wang, Hongyi Li*, Zeming Xie, Xiaofan Zhu, Linhong Xiao, Xiaohua Hao, Jian Wang. Continental water vapor dominantly impacts precipitation during the snow season on the northeastern Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Climate, 2022, 35(12): 3819-3831.SCI一区TOP

5. 王卫国, 李弘毅, 朱小凡, 谢泽明, 王建*, 郝晓华. 1979-2018年青藏高原不同地区积雪季极端降水水汽来源分析 [J]. 高原气象, 2022, 41(6): 1367-1383.CSCD

6. Yuan Ma, Jian Wang, Hongyu Zhao, Donghang Shao, Weiguo Wang, Haojie Li. A dataset of MODIS-based daily FSC time-series data with one kilo-meter spatial resolution in the Holarctic region (2000–2019) [J]. China Scientific Data, 2022, 7(4). (SCI,二区)

7. Weiguo Wang, Hongyi Li, Jian Wang*, Xiaohua Hao. Water Vapor from Western Eurasia Promotes Precipitation during the Snow Season in Northern Xinjiang, a Typical Arid Region in Central Asia [J]. Water, 2020, 12(1): 141.SCI三区)

8. Xiaofan Zhu, Tonghua Wu, Guojie Hu, Shengjie Wang, Xiaodong Wu, Li R, Weiguo Wang, Amin Wen, Jie Ni, Xiangfei Li. Long-distance atmospheric moisture dominates water budget in permafrost regions of the Central Qinghai-Tibet plateau [J]. Hydrological Processes, 2020, 34(22): 4280-4294.SCI,二区)

9. Weiguo Wang, Hongyi Li*, Jian Wang. Precipitation change during the snow period in the northern Xinjiang, a typical arid area. Remote Sensing. 2019 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS 2019), 2019, 7770-7773.EI

10. 王卫国, 潘竟虎*, 冯娅娅, 李真,董磊磊. 基于MODIS数据和GWLR的甘肃省火灾风险模型与区划 [J]. 遥感技术与应用, 2017, 32(3): 514-523. CSCD

11. Jinghu Pan*, Weiguo Wang, Junfeng Li. Building probabilistic models of fire occurrence and fire risk zoning using logistic regression in Shanxi Province, China [J]. Natural Hazards, 2016, 81(3):1979-1899.SCI三区)

12. 董磊磊, 潘竟虎*, 冯娅娅, 王卫国.基于夜间灯光的中国房屋空置的空间分异格局 [J] . 经济地理, 2017, 37(9)62-69+176. (北大中文核心)


1. 山西省基础研究计划(自由探索类)青年项目,2024/1-2026/12,在研,主持

2. 山西省哲学社会科学规划课题,2024/1-2025/12,在研,主持

3. 山西省基础研究计划(自由探索类)青年项目,2022/11-2025/10,在研,参与

4. 国家自然科学基金委员会 面上项目 , 2022/1-2025/12, 在研,参与


1. 郝晓华, 王轩, 王卫国, 等.积雪孔隙度、粒径空间分布的观测装置,2018.12.8.(中国-201822231024.4-专利)
