针对上述问题,孙从建教授团队开展了干旱区水循环过程定量化研究,研究成果以“Influences of variability of stable isotopes and composition of moisture sources on precipitation at multiple timescales in the Alpine regions of Central Asia”为题,以第一作者身份在Science of The Total Environment期刊(SCI一区TOP,影响因子:10.754)上发表,并得到了国家自然科学基金项目(41901022)的资助。
Sun C, Zhang X, Wang S, et al. Influences of variability of stable isotopes and composition of moisture sources on precipitation at multiple timescales in the Alpine regions of Central Asia[J]. Science of The Total Environment, 2023, 874: 162595.
Fig. 7. Cluster analysis of backward trajectory of water vapor in the ACA during the study period.
Fig. 8. Spatial distribution of recycling proportions at the five stations in the ACA at multiple timescales.